Spending time in Coastal Maine? Visit Our Store

About Our Store

Big Chicken Barn

Because the interests of today’s collectors are many and varied, we carry editions covering a wide variety of subjects. We also go to great lengths and great distances to stock our shelves with exciting finds, such as the occasional uncut, deckled limited edition, luxurious leather-bound classics, autographed books, even editions set by hand and printed on hand-made paper. In fact, if you’re looking for a rare, out-of-print book, we’re just the place to begin your search. We buy or trade all the time. On the other hand, perhaps you have a book of interest to us, such as a first edition printed and published in Maine. We may wish to buy it if you’re willing to part with it.

Pay us a visit soon at the Big Chicken Barn by the side of the road. Come in and browse. Cool off in the summer, or warm up with a cup of hot coffee on a cool autumn or winter day. Wander as you wish. But, if you need assistance, we’re here to help you in any way we can. Come share the enjoyment and romance of the search for things old, beautiful, wonderful, and fulfilling with us.

Our Story

The Big Chicken Barn was established in 1986 by Annegret and Michael Cukierski. What was going to be a part-time hobby has grown into a thriving business that is open year-round. In 2001, their son, Chad, joined the family business and you may spot the 3rd generation wandering around the store from time to time as well.

Our Location


1768 Bucksport Road
Ellsworth, Maine 04605
Coastal Route 1


Holiday Hours

July 4th 12-5
December 24th 10-2
December 31st 10-2

Closed: New Years Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas